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晶创越世 研华远程I/O模块ADAM-5560CDS
更新时间:2016-06-27      阅读:1418

    晶创越世科技(北京)有限公司主营:研祥加固全系列,研祥工控机,研祥CPCI机箱,研祥CPCI主板,研 祥加固笔记本,研祥平板电脑,研祥嵌入式工控机,研祥显示器,研祥加固显示器,研祥工业显示器,三菱液晶屏,三菱阳光下可视液晶屏,三菱LED背光液晶屏,三菱宽温液晶屏,研华工控机,研华ADAM模块,研华一体化工作站,研华板卡,研华采集卡,研华便携式工控机,研祥工控机,研华嵌入式工控机,研华无风扇工控机,松下加固笔记本全系列,GETAC加固笔记本,Gcreat工控机全系列,Gcreat嵌入式无风扇工控机,Gcreat平板电脑,Gcreat一体化工作站,Gcreat工业显示器。



7-slot PC-based In® Atom™ CPU soft logic Controller with integrated target visualization


  • Cost effective DIN Rail IPC with VGA port for integrated target visualization
  • Optional CoDeSys web Visu for Remote monitoring using Web browser based HMIs
  • Free of charge CoDeSys V3 IEC-61131-3 development tool
  • Supports five logic programming languages (LD,IL,FBD,SFC,CFC)
  • Supports Modbus/RTU (Master/Slave) and Modbus/TCP (Server/Client)
  • Supports SD Storage I/O Module
  • Fully integration of all Advantech Modbus TCP/RTU remote I/O modules of the ADAM 4000/6000 series
  • Seven I/O expansion slots supporting a wide range of cost effective local I/O Modules
  • Two alternative slots for serial communication expansion (RS-232/422, CAN)


The ADAM-5560CDS is a cost effective DIN RAIL IPC for control and data acquisition tasks which require Industrial PC computing performance with a PLC’s robustness. The ADAM-5560CDS, is equipped with an In Atom CPU, along with control specific features such as watchdog timer, battery backup RAM and deterministic I/O. The ADAM-5560CDS features five standard IEC 61131- 3 programming languages in Windows CE, so PLC users can develop control strategies with their own familiar programming languages such as LD,IL,FBD,SFC,CFC. The powerful CoDeSys V3 Development Software and CoDeSys Integrated stable run time allows the ADAM-5560CDS to become the best choice for building cost effective, compact and reliable control solutions on the market today. With integrated target visualization HMI software and built-in VGA port there is no need to develop software for an additional Operator Panel. The additional optional CoDeSYS web Visu allows easy integration for remote monitoring through cost effective browser based HMI terminals or devices. The powerful and flexible ADAM-5560CDS DIN RAIL IPC controller is ideal for a variety of control and data acquisition applications ranging from factory facilities, green house automation, water and waste water to environmental monitoring.


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